Nov 22, 2021
Every year, our Good Neighbor program works to provide items to individuals and organizations in need in our community – made possible by your generous donations. Presently we are running a winter coat drive; through your support we are able to ensure adults and children are kept warm during the chilly winter months. Given the high demand, we are collecting coats specifically for this effort – at any of our locations you can alert the Donation Door Attendant that you have coats for the coat drive. If possible, please bag or box the coats separately from your other donations. The attendant will then put the coats in a separate area to be processed. We are in need of all sizes, we especially have a need for adult mens, womens size large and up, and kids 10-12, and 14-16.
Thank you for your support of this program – your generous donations do so much GOOD in our community. We appreciate you, and wish you a happy holiday season!