Page 15 - Goodwill of the Finger Lakes Annual Report
P. 15

Goodwill of the Finger Lakes Gala 2024:
      211/LIFE LINE: Elevating Community.

      Empowering Connections.

       The Goodwill Gala, co-hosted by Goodwill of the Finger Lakes and Smola Consulting, brought
       the  theme of “Elevating Community, Empowering Connections”  to  the Hyatt Regency in
       downtown Rochester on March 9, 2024. Funds raised at the event—over $225K—support
       GFL’s 211/LIFE LINE, a free and confidential phone, chat, and text service that operates 24/7,
       connecting our neighbors across the region with the services and resources they need.

                                        The Gala honored two individuals whose work embodies GFL’s
                                        core purpose—across our many programs—of providing tools
                                        and support that individuals can use to transform themselves.
                                        Dr. April Aycock, Director of the Monroe County Office of Mental
                                        Health and President/CEO of Awareness Counseling Services,
                                        received  GFL’s Good Neighbor  Award, and  Kevin Lynch,
                                        President/CEO of National Industries for the Blind, received the
                                        Dr. Gwen Sterns Visionary Award.

                                        And we bid farewell to Sue DiPiazza, a retiring GFL employee
                                        of nearly two decades. Ms. DiPiazza addressed our Gala guests,
                                        telling the story of her own transformation: from a low period
                                        that included a DUI arrest and the experience of homelessness,
                                        through a long career of service and meaning, to this point of
                                        reflection on the powerful impact GFL has had on her life. GFL
                                        was there for her when she reached out to a hotline we were
                                        operating back then - a predecessor to our 211/LIFE LINE - and
                                        with this encouragement she found the determination to enroll
                                        in Monroe Community College.  With  the credentials in  food
                                        administration she earned  there, she returned and got a job
                                        at a place that already meant so much to her—Goodwill of the
                                        Finger Lakes. [Gala photos by: Stephanie Alane Photography]
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