Page 7 - Goodwill of the Finger Lakes Annual Report
P. 7

Chat               For those who are not in a posi�on to talk to our

               with              telecounselors on the phone, our 211/ Life Line chat feature
                                 expands our availability to reach our clients. Below are
               211               tes�monials from community members:

                “Feeling like I had no one to talk to was pushing me farther over the edge. I
                can’t call the hotline due to my current situa�on and I’d always been afraid to
                in the past. Today I saw the chat feature and it was the safest and most helpful
                experience. Much more than what I expected to receive.”

                               -Anonymous Community Member

                “I felt heard and understood, with kind sugges�ons on how to improve my
                situa�on. The counselor on chat let me lead the conversa�on and allowed me
                �me to respond.”

                               -Anonymous Community Member

            Senior Meals                            provides free meals to Rochester seniors
                                                    The City of Rochester’s Senior Meals Program
            Program                                 through a grant to local restaraunts. The pro-

                                                    gram began on January 1st, 2021. Seniors who
            want free meals can call 211 and our community connectors will schedule

            their meal and connect them to any other services they might need.

              2,253 Seniors Served

              27,887 Meals Delivered

              127 Spanish Speaking Individuals Served in their Preferred Language

               700+ Were connected to other Programs and Services

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